Legal Notice

Published by
itec systems AG
Schirmerstrasse 76
D - 40211 Düsseldorf
fon +49.211.417.64.0
fax +49.211.417.64.10

Executive board:
Christian Luelf (Chairman)

Supervisory board:
Joachim Gorgs(Chairman)

Commercial Registry of the Local Court:
Düsseldorf Local Court HRB 40049

Value Added Tax Identification Number:

User instructions
The Internet pages of itec systems AG are optimised for display of a screen resolution as from 1280 x 1024 pixel and a minimum colour depth of 32768 colours. Please activate JavaScript and Style Sheets. The best results for viewing the website are achieved via Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and above.

Despite thorough examination of the contents, we do not assume liability for the contents of external links. Responsibility for the contents of linked sites lies solely with their operators.

The contents of this website are protected by copyrights. All rights, including translation, reprint and reproduction are reserved by itec systems AG. The content of this website may only be reproduced and published subject to written authorisation by itec systems AG. The use of unaltered contents for personal and non-commercial purposes is exempt.

The brand name and logo of itec systems AG is a registered trademark of itec systems AG.

We track database access to our http server as is general standard. The date, time, description (URL) of the accessed site and the description (IP number) of the operating computer are captured.

Note on the consumtion exemption law
Alternative dispute resolution accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

The OS platform for the out-of-court online dispute resolution is available under the following link:

The mail address of itec systems AG is: info(at) 

itec systems AG is not obliged and generally not disposed to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before of a consumer arbitration board.